Aaron Blaisdell Art

Hi! I'm a Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience in the UCLA Psychology Department. I direct the Comparative Cognition Lab (https://pigeonrat.psych.ucla.edu) and the Pigeon Art Studio. My art spans many domains, including poetry, children's books, AI digital art, and my favorite --- the Pigeon Art Project (https://pigeonart.xyz).

Hi! I'm a Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience in the UCLA Psychology Department. I direct the Comparative Cognition Lab (https://pigeonrat.psych.ucla.edu) and the Pigeon Art Studio. My art spans many domains, including poetry, children's books, AI digital art, and my favorite --- the Pigeon Art Project (https://pigeonart.xyz).

My Portfolio

This is probably my craziest and most exciting project! I study pigeon cognition at UCLA. My pigeons also make digital art! Wait! Can...